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Welcome to the Division 17, District 7 Web Site

USCG Auxiliary Division 17 - Space Coast

Serving Central Florida & District 7 USCG

Division 17 Commander   Division 17 Vice Commander
Jim Nickles  Faron Petteys

Hello and welcome to Division Seventeen of District Seven of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary.  We are based at Coast Guard Station Port Canaveral Florida and we are proud to support both the small boat station and Marine Safety Detachment co-located here.
Division Seventeen's five flotillas consist of three flotillas located in Brevard County along the Intracoastal Waterway and two flotillas in Central Florida.
- Flotilla 17-02 is our Southern flotilla operating out of Palm Bay.  Its patrol area starts at the Pineada Causeway and extends South to ICW marker 69 and includes the South Banana River to its end.
- Flotilla 17-06 is our central flotilla based at the Veterans Memorial Center on Merritt Island.  It operates at Port Canaveral and from Kars Park and the Barge Canal to the Pineada Causewy on the Banana and Indian Rivers.  
- Flotilla 17-09 is our Northern flotilla operating out of Titusville. This flotilla patrols the Mosquito Lagoon and Indian River from Oak Hill (ICW marker 75) in the North to Cocoa in the South.
 - Flotilla 17-10 is our newest flotilla.  It operates in Osceola County, which includes the greater Kissimmee area.  This flotilla membership was originally a Detachment of Flotilla 17-11 and it has a very active Recreational Boating Safety program supporting public education.  It also supports the lakes and waterways of Osceola County.
 - Flotilla 17-11 is our Central Florida flotilla operating in the Orlando area.  This flotilla has a very active Recreational Boating Safety program supporting public education and radio communications.  It also supports the lakes and waterways for the Orlando area, as well as USCG Station Canaveral.
We are fortunate to support the Kennedy Space Center with its spectacular launches. We also patrol Port Canaveral, one of the busiest cruise terminals in the U.S.  In addition, we cover the Indian and Banana Rivers with their very active boating communities. We stay busy with safety patrols, public education, vessel examinations, waterway watch, and Marine Safety. We encourage you to visit the websites of our flotillas.
We hope to see you soon at one of our meetings!